On a recent glorious Fall day, The Merry Trumpsters met on a rooftop in the South End of Boston. Our group is a gathering of dedicated professionals from all walks of life. We are all working to grow our business together (but we socialize and play a lot too!) On this crisp, clear Indian Summer day we strategized and dined city-side with an expansive view of the Boston skyline. It was awesome! On the lunch menu was a grilled arugula and brie sandwich, roasted veggies, and a delicious tossed salad. Olive bread from the French Memories Bakery in Cohasset rounded out the meal. On the business menu was social media marketing, and general support for each other prospecting and recruiting. This is how I have always wanted to do business! Outdoors! Fun People! Great Food! Make Money! If you are viewing this blog and want in on the fun, email me at