Thursday, September 23, 2010


My wood burning Pizza oven is the center of my universe. We have used it to bake exquisite flatbreads for two years now, after its creation in honor of my daughter Morgan's wedding.

This year, however it has reached its peak of perfection in helping me create the perfect bread. There is no need for any other bread in the universe, this one beats all in texture, crumb and flavor. Thanks to Dan Wing, who instructed me on its creation at a workshop at King Arthur Flour in Norwich VT this Spring. Simply named: 10 Percent Rye Sourdough it has no equal in my estimation.

Last Saturday with the help of my family members, Eric, Marckenrho, and Sue D. we baked 9 perfect loaves. It is Thursday now and there is only half a loaf left. I reluctantly and (unselfishly I might add) have given many of the loaves to family and friends who deserve it. I can't wait to bake again!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Amy,

    I have bread oven envy!!!! One of these days we'll come up with a way to put one on the roof deck and bake in the city lights. Wow... that and an arugula martini... Who could ask for more?

    Great blog.

